Saturday, August 30, 2008

Additional news

Karl Aage Rasmussen is a board member of the ancient Scandinavian society in Rome, Italy (Circolo Scandinavo). Meetings in Rome, June 2008, resulted in new scolarships for numerous Scandinavian artists during the period autumn 2008-spring 2009. The society has a long, impressive history as a meeting point for many of the most important Scandinavian artist for more than 150 years. See link.

Andet nyt

Karl Aage Rasmussen er arbejdende medlem af bestyrelsen for Skandinavisk Forenings kunstnerhus (Circolo Scandinavo) i Rom. På en række møder i Rom, juni 2008, uddelte bestyrelsen ophold til talrige skandinaviske kunstnere i perioden efterår 2008-forår 2009. Foreningens har en lang, traditionsrig historie som samlingssted for mange af de sidste 150 års betydeligste skandinaviske kunstnere, nu som Skandinavisk Forenings Kunstnerhus.

Saturday, August 16, 2008


See officiel biography and full list of compositions at Edition Wilhelm Hansen here  (please select language).

Friday, August 15, 2008

Selected discography

Barcarole, piano - Bridge BCD 9073
Continuo, flute and guitar - BARBA 1994
Contrary Dances, piano - Bridge BCD 9073
Four -Five, brassquintet - PAULA PACD 82
Italian Concerto, chamberensemble - dacapo 8.224008
Movements on a Moving Line, sinfonietta - dacapo 8.224095
Movements on a Moving Line, chamber version - Bridge BCD 9054
Preludes and Postludes, piano - Bridge BCD 9073
Solos and Shadows, string quartet - dacapo 9002
Surrounded by Scales, string quartet - dacapo 9002
A symphony in Time, orchestra - DCCD 9010
Sinking through the Dream Mirror, violin concerto - dacapo 8.224095
Three Friends, sinfonietta - dacapo 8.224095
Healthy Mad Cows, jazz group - Cowbell Music
Trauergondol, piano trio - dacapo 8.226503
Twin Dream, chamber ensemble - Classico, CLASSCD 630

The Ballad of Game and Dream - dacapo - 8.224203-04
This collection of recordings with The Elsinore Players include:
A Ballad of Game and Dream, Italian Concerto, Berio Mask, Pianissimo Furioso, Fugue (for clarinet, vibraphone and piano), Love is in the World (soprano, guitar and percussion), Liederkreis (two voices and five instruments), Lonesome (guitarist), Strain (piano).

NB. Værkliste, se/List of works, see official biography in profile

Thursday, August 14, 2008


Toneangivende Danskere, portræt af 10 danske komponister (Noteworthy Danes, portraits of 10 Danish Composers)
Edition Wilhelm Hansen, 1986
Kan man høre tiden, essays om musik og mennesker (Can you hear Time, essays on music and people), Gyldendal, 1998
Har verden en klang, essays om musik og mennesker (Does the World have a certain sound, essays on music and people), Gyldendal, 2000
Den kreative løgn, 12 kapitler om Glenn Gould (The Creative lie, 12 chapters on Glenn Gould)
Gyldendal, 2001
Forrykt, billeder af Robert Schumann og hans musik (Disturbances, images of Robert Schumann and his Music), Gyldendal 2004
Svjatoslav Richter, pianist (Sviatoslav Richter, pianist), Gyldendal, 2007
Musik i virkeligheden, essays (Music and reality, essays), Gyldendal, 2008
Musik i det 20. århundrede, en fortælling (Music in the 2oth Century, a narrative), Gyldendal, under udgivelse/in preparation.

Om Karl Aage Rasmussens bøger,

Bearbejdelser o.l./Realizations etc.:

Sakontala, reconstruction and completion of the unfinished opera by Franz Schubert (1820)
Edition Wilhalm Hansen
Gastein Symphony by Franz Schubert, reconstruction (48 minutes)
Sakontala Publishers
Der Taucher, melodrama by Franz Schubert, orchestration (19 minutes)
Commotio for organ by Carl Nielsen, orchestration (22 minutes)
Edition Wilhelm Hansen
5 Songs by Schumann, texts by Hans Christian Andersen, orchestration (12 minutes)
Serenade in D major by Brahms, realization for 10 instruments
Sports et Divertissements by Erik Satie, realization for 7 instruments

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Karl Aage Rasmussen: Lyset og Mørket - Carl Nielsens liv og musik (The Light and the Darkness -  Carl Nielsen's Life and Music)
DeLuca Film.
DVD with voice over in four languages, dacapo 2006. 2.114003-05, with Carl Nielsen: Complete Symphonies, Danish National Symphony Orchestra/ Michael Schönwand

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Rasmussen CV

1969-2008 ansat ved Det jyske Musikkonservatorium, Aarhus - fra 1977 som docent, 1988-2008 som professor i komposition 
1975 initiativtager til kammerensemblet The Elsinore Players, senere en række koncertrejser i Europa, Sydkorea og Sydamerika 
1977-81 medlem af Statens Musikråd
1978-2002 initiativtager til og derefter kunstnerisk leder af NUMUS festivalen for ny samtidsmusik i Aarhus
1983 kunstnerisk og administrativ leder af ISCM Verdensmusikdage i Aarhus 
1986 initiativtager til musikteaterensemblet Dansk Klaverteater 
1991-97 kunstnerisk leder af Esbjerg Ensemble 
1997-2002 kunstnerisk leder af Athelas Sinfonietta Copenhagen 
2000-2008 næstformand i Det kgl. Teaters bestyrelse
2003-07 medlem af kunstrådets musikudvalg.

Rasmussen har deltaget i musiklivet i mange andre funktioner, bl.a. som formand for tremandsudvalget under Statens Kunstfond, mangeårig free-lance medarbejder ved Danmarks Radio og konsulent for Aarhus Festuge. 
Desuden foredrag i mange europæiske lande og i USA.

Fra 1986 delvist bosat i Rom.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Friday, August 8, 2008

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Nodemanuskripter i håndskrift/Handwritten music manuscripts

Ca. 45 nodemanuskripter af Karl Aage Rasmussen.
Samlingen er søgbar i Det Kongelige Biblioteks database REX, base Musikhåndskrifter.
Adresse: Det Kongelige Bibliotek, Postboks 2149, 1016 København K, tlf. 3347 4747
Rettigheder: Fri adgang

Approx. 45 music manuscripts by Karl Aage Rasmussen.
The collection can be found in the database REX, base Music handwriting of the Royal Danish Library.
Address: Royal Danish Library, box 2149, DK-1016 Copenhagen K, tlph. +45 33474747
Free access.